Understanding Clinical Papers
David Bowers, Allan House, and David Owens, School of Medicine, University of Leeds, UK
Enterprise Services Automation Software
Web-based ESA applications provide an infrastructure that can improve the success rate of outsourcing relationships.
Stephen Senn
Moving between the UK and Switzerland, and between academia and industry has given Editorial Advisory Board member and statistician Stephen Senn a well-rounded view of pharmaceutical development.
Bridging the Gap Between IT and Clinical Operations
Mutual understanding of roles and responsibilities across the boundary between IT and clinical operations allows both departments to function more effectively.
Wireless Data: Challenges in the New New Economy
Wireless computing may be the way of the future, but several obstacles currently prevent us from achieving it.
Educating Investigators to Understand When to Break the Blind
Investigators are sometimes eager to open a subject?s blinding code when they perceive a medical emergency. Informing investigators about expected adverse events can forestall these requests.
Serious Adverse Event Reporting
Getting answers to the right questions can help you decide how to choose and implement an electronic system that is a good match for your company's SAE reporting needs and its available resources.
Clinical Research Software
A systematic survey of 96 pharmaceutical companies and clinical research organizations revealed which systems sponsors are using for clinical data management and adverse events tracking and reporting.
Planning an EDC Clinical Trial
Readers share their experiences
Connecting at the Connectathon
CDISC has broad support for its fledgling standard whose evolution is critical to the acceleration of technology adoption in clinical trials.
FDA Warning Letters
Readers share their experience
The Clinical Audit in Pharmaceutical Development
Michael R. Hamrell, PhD, Ed., (Drugs and Pharmaceutical Sciences, volume 104, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1999), 224 pages, hardcover, ISBN 0-8247-0309-X, $135.
What a Form 483 Really Means
Effective Invvestigator Meetings
Combining the principles of adult learning with the advantages of Web technology can engage participants in important investigator meetings.
Randomized Controlled Trials
New systems of ethical oversight for randomized controlled trials could ease the problems caused by increasingly cumbersome restrictions.
A New Challange for Central Laboratories
EN ISO/IEC 17025 is more evidence that international standards are evolving to keep pace with technology and improve the performance of accredited central laboratories.
Domenico Criscuolo
As well as being a committed European, Domenico Criscuolo is a powerful supporter of the Italian clinical research community.
Monitoring Where Others Take Holidays
A creative mobile monitoring model could help sponsors tap the potential of southern Europe (and Mexico) as areas for clinical research.
Public Key Infrastructure: The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship?
A public key infrastructure (PKI) can make it possible to securely exchange data on the Internet. This introduction will help you understand the issues in PKI implementation.
Clinical Research Training on the Web
The Virtual Organization: Is It the Future Industry Landscape?
Outsourcing and data-sharing technologies are creating virtual pharmaceutical companies. Soon, you may be only as good as your network.
Letters to the Editor
Readers respond to articles and columnists
Do You "Go the Extra Mile" or Adopt a Minimalist Mindset
Maintaining minimum standards can compromise the quality of your data and the rights and safety of study subjects.
David Sabritt
Sabritt recalls the challenge of building a data management organization from the ground up while striving to retain the pioneering spirit, flexibility, and rapid decision-making capabilities or a startup culture.
The Virtual Organization
Are the virtual pharmaceutcal companies created by outsourcing and today's data-sharing technologies a sign of the industry's future direction?
Guest Editorial
Let's start taking "e" for granted and look instead at the features we really need in clinical technology applications.
An ethical quandry
Conference Reports
Communication and Data Management Strategies & Sptlight falls on GCP Directive, Ethics in Paris
Affairs of State
As FDA monitors more international clinical trials, new policies aim to address differences in national approaches to such issues as placebos and protocols.
Pen-Based Computing
A new tablet computer shows promise of achieving the functionality and flexibility that clinical trials professionals require, but computers that can recognize the wide variety of handwriting remain elusive.