Conference Reports
Communication and Data Management Strategies & Sptlight falls on GCP Directive, Ethics in Paris
Affairs of State
As FDA monitors more international clinical trials, new policies aim to address differences in national approaches to such issues as placebos and protocols.
Pen-Based Computing
A new tablet computer shows promise of achieving the functionality and flexibility that clinical trials professionals require, but computers that can recognize the wide variety of handwriting remain elusive.
Communication Skills for Monitors—A Vital Training Opportunity
Effective communication skills, which are often overlooked in CRA training programs, can profoundly affect the efficiency of a trial and the reliability of its results.
ACT 101 Human Safety in Clinical Research
Pharmaceutical companies must pay close attention to the safety of human subjects at every stage of drug development, as explained in this QA view of the policies and regulations that make the system work.
Maximize Information Flow
When outsourcing clinical supply activities, you can improve communications efficiency by integrating your supplier's organization system with your own.