5151 McCrimmon Pkwy
Morrisville, NC 27560
Toll-free: 800-575-4224
Business: 919-466-3300
Fax: 919-466-3405
E-mail: services@aaipharma.com
Web Site: www.aaipharma.com
Contact: Kevin Harrington
2275 Research Blvd Ste 700
Rockville, MD 20850
Business: 240-238-4900
Fax: 240-238-4901
E-mail: nzemo@accelovance.com
Web Site: www.accelovance.com
Contact: Nicholas P. Zemo
6161 Dr Martin Luther King Jr St N Ste 205
St Petersburg, FL 33703
Business: 727-521-9200
Fax: 727-521-9204
E-mail: cbussey@adventcrc.com
Web Site: www.adventcrc.com
Contact: Carlos A. Bussey
One Ivybrook Blvd Bldg 100
Ivyland, PA 18974
Business: 215-347-1100
Fax: 215-347-1110
E-mail: info@alliancehealthinfo.com
Web Site: www.alliancehealthinfo.com
Contact: Mary Anne Greenberg
2500 Einstein
Quebec, QC G1P 0A2 CANADA
Business: 418-527-4000
Fax: 418-527-3456
Web Site: www.pharmanet.com
Contact: Erik LeBlanc
(formerly Amerigraphx Healthcare)
624 E Park Ave, PO Box 7122
Libertyville, IL 60048
Business: 847-362-5656
Fax: 847-362-7788
E-mail: jclausing@axmarketing.com
Web Site: www.axmarketing.com/patientrecruitment
Contact: Jeffrey Clausing
2701 Kent Ave
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Toll-free: 800-845-4246
Business: 765-463-4527
Fax: 765-497-1102
E-mail: basi@bioanalytical.com
Web Site: www.bioanalytical.com
Contact: Janna Chambers
320 Needham St Ste 150
Newton, MA 02464
Business: 617-630-4477
Fax: 617-630-5090
E-mail: info@bbkworldwide.com
Web Site: www.bbkworldwide.com
Contact: Elizabeth Gargill
70 Church St
Flemington, NJ 08822
Business: 908-788-1729
Fax: 908-788-5281
E-mail: dand@beardsworth.com
Web Site: www.beardsworth.com
Contact: Dan P. Diaz
712-750 W Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1H3 CANADA
Business: 604-639-2608
Fax: 604-630-5108
E-mail: crathlef@cantest.com
Web Site: www.cantestclinical.com
Contact: Chad Rathlef
10 Corporate Dr Ste 101
Bedford, NH 03110
Business: 603-472-8400
Fax: 603-472-8411
E-mail: certusintl@certusintl.com
Web Site: www.certusinc.com
Contact: Deidra Aten
2000 Regency Pkwy Ste 295
Cary, NC 27518-8581
Toll-free: 866-449-0752
Fax: 701-239-4955
E-mail: info@cetero.com
Web Site: www.cetero.com
Contact: John Capicchioni
2111 Palomar Airport Rd Ste 200
Carlsbad, CA 92011
Toll-free: 888-244-5838
Business: 760-707-5025
Fax: 760-707-5022
E-mail: robin.chapman@chiltern.com
Web Site: www.chiltern.com
Contact: Robin Chapman
1075 Cheshire Circle
Danville, CA 94506
Business: 925-648-1510
Fax: 925-648-1520
E-mail: info@clinfosource.com
Web Site: www.clinfosource.com
Contact: Ranga Nathan
423 W 55th St 4th Flr
New York, NY 10019
Business: 646-215-6400
Fax: 646-215-6401
E-mail: info@clinilabs.com
Web Site: www.clinilabs.com
Contact: Jeanine Estrada
1180 Welsh Rd Ste 130
North Wales, PA 19454-2053
Business: 215-855-9054
Fax: 215-855-9053
Web Site: www.clinlogix.com
Contact: Michelle Sacher
Lady Bay House Meadow Grove
Business: 44-115-955-7333
Fax: 44-115-955-7555
E-mail: info@clinphone.com
Web Site: www.clinphone.com
1828 L St NW Ste 250
Washington, DC 20036
Business: 202-448-6150
Fax: 202-448-6188
E-mail: sbrink@consentsolutions.com
Web Site: www.consentsolutions.com
Contact: Susan Brink
2605 Meridian Pkwy
Durham, NC 27713
Business: 919-544-8500
Fax: 919-544-7507
E-mail: info@constellagroup.com
Web Site: www.constellagroup.com
Contact: Sam Whitwham
332 Santa Fe Dr Ste 110
Encinitas, CA 92024
Business: 760-943-6700
Fax: 760-632-4292
E-mail: fawad@coreorthopaedic.com
Web Site: www.coreorthopaedic.com
Contact: Farouk A. Awad
210 Carnegie Center Dr
Princeton, NJ 08540
Toll-free: 888-COVANCE
Fax: 609-452-9854
E-mail: info@covance.com
Web Site: www.covance.com
3 Todd Campus West of Scotland Science Park
Business: 44-141-946-7888
Fax: 44-141-946-1324
E-mail: cps@cpsresearch.co.uk
Web Site: www.cpsresearch.co.uk
Contact: Tom McCulloch
358 Broadway Ste 201
Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
Business: 518-583-0095
Fax: 518-583-0394
E-mail: rkschnel@criteriuminc.com
Web Site: www.criteriuminc.com
Contact: Ronny Schnel
D Anderson & Co
3100 McKinnon St Ste 100
Dallas, TX 75201
Toll-free: 800-451-0322
Business: 469-916-8600
Fax: 469-916-8205
E-mail: dberger@dandersoncompany.com
Web Site: www.dandersoncompany.com
Contact: David Berger
56/56A Thompson St PO Box 220 (2046)
Sydney, Drummoyne 2047 NSW AUSTRALIA
Business: 61-2-9719-2800
Fax: 61-2-9719-2811
E-mail: helenallars+@datapharm.com.au
Web Site: www.datapharmaustralia.com
Contact: Helen Allars
The Barn Old Basing
Basingstoke, RG24 8AE UNITED KINGDOM
Business: 44-1256-314640
Fax: 44-1256-314640
E-mail: admin@datatech.org.uk
Web Site: www.datatech.org.uk
Contact: Sue Spice
Hansaring 102-104
Cologne, 50670 GERMANY
Business: 49-221-9128710
Fax: 49-221-9128711
E-mail: woe@oandp-cro.com
Web Site: www.oandp-cro.com
Contact: Wolfgang Oestreich
3050 Regent Blvd Ste 400
Irving, TX 75063
Business: 215-674-2212
Fax: 215-674-0157
E-mail: jcorcoran@emsinet.com
Web Site: www.emsinet.com
Contact: John Corcoran
One Glenhardie Coporate Center 1275 Drummers Lane Ste 100
Wayne, PA 19087
Business: 610-975-9533
Fax: 610-975-9556
E-mail: bd@encorium.com
Web Site: www.encorium.com
625 Ridge Pike E 402
Conshohocken, PA 19428
Business: 610-832-2100
Fax: 610-832-220
E-mail: lconverse@epharmasolutions.com
Web Site: www.epharmasolutions.com
Contact: Lance Converse
1325 Tri-State Pkwy Ste 300
Gurnee, IL 60031
Toll-free: 888-287-2722
Business: 847-855-7676
Fax: 847-855-9676
E-mail: kkelley@essentialgroupinc.com
Web Site: www.essentialgroupinc.com
Contact: Kristin Kelley
1255 Transcanada Hwy Ste 310
Dorval (Montreal), QC H9P 2V4 CANADA
Toll-free: 866-ethica1
Business: 514-421-0442
Fax: 514-421-1142
E-mail: jparente@ethicaclinical.ca
Web Site: www.ethicaclinical.ca
Contact: Janice E. Parente
4970 El Camino Real Ste 250
Los Altos, CA 94022
Business: 650-605-4477
Fax: 650-605-4499
E-mail: anna.ravdel@evidence.cpr.com
Web Site: www.evidence-cpr.com
Contact: Anna Ravdel
Central Middlesex Hospital Acton Lane Park Royal
Business: 44-020-8961-4130
Fax: 44-020-8961-8665
E-mail: hmr@hmrlondon.com
Web Site: www.hmrlondon.com
4113 Rounding Bend Lane
Wilmington, NC 28412
Business: 910-799-8293
Fax: 910-401-1729
E-mail: info@lanihashimoto.com
Web Site: www.lanihashimoto.com
6088 Main St, PO Box 138
Miamiville, OH 45147
Toll-free: 800-785-2693
Business: 513-831-3114
Fax: 513-831-1217
E-mail: info@hill-top.com
Web Site: www.hill-top.com
Contact: Bryan Reynolds
Burg van Erpstraat 4, PO Box 1
Bergham, 5350 AA NETHERLANDS
Business: 31-412-407070
Fax: 31-412-403054
E-mail: info@imrotramarko.com
Web Site: www.imrotramarko.com
Contact: Anton Bonefaas, Ron van Gent
15915 Katy Fwy Ste 100
Houston, TX 77094
Toll-free: 800-797-8287
Business: 281-829-1110
Fax: 281-829-1515
E-mail: info@inventivclinical.com
Web Site: www.inventivclinical.com
Contact: Steve Cottrell
6001 Montrose Rd Ste 920
Rockville, MD 20852
Business: 301-770-2730
Fax: 301-770-4183
E-mail: kai@kai-research.com
Web Site: www.kai-research.com
Contact: Selma Kunitz
1200 Carew Tower, 441 Vine St
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Toll-free: 800-733-1572
Business: 513-381-5550
Fax: 513-381-5870
E-mail: moehring.doug@kendle.com
Web Site: www.kendle.com
Contact: Doug Moehring
255 Queens Ave Ste 1440
London, ON N6A 5R8 CANADA
Business: 519-438-9374
Fax: 519-438-8314
E-mail: admin@kgksynergize.com
Web Site: www.kgksynergize.com
Contact: Kristen Reynolds
Moskauer Strasse 25
Dusseldorf, D-40227 GERMANY
Business: 49-211-977-933
Fax: 49-211-977-9351
E-mail: contact@marco-institut.de
Web Site: www.marco-institut.de
Contact: Sylvia Hoernlein
One Concorde Gate 4th Flr
Toronto, ON M3C 3N6 CANADA
Business: 416-429-6172
Fax: 416-429-2745
E-mail: dpolygenis@phase4health.com
Web Site: www.mckesson.ca
Contact: Dimitris Polygenis
2200 Renaissance Blvd Ste 400
King of Prussia, PA 19406-2755
Toll-free: 800-554-0502
Business: 610-239-7900
E-mail: info.mdsps@mdsps.com
Web Site: www.mdsps.com
Contact: Charlene Ann McGrady
100 N Brand Blvd Ste 306
Glendale, CA 91203
Toll-free: 800-507-5277
Business: 818-552-2036
E-mail: recruit@medexecintl.com
Web Site: www.medexecintl.com
1014 W 9th Ave
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Toll-free: 866-879-6810
Business: 484-674-6800
Fax: 484-337-4233
E-mail: bdickson@medicigroup.com
Web Site: www.patientrecruitment.com
Contact: Beth Dickson
2600 Tower Oaks Blvd Ste 200
Rockville, MD 20852
Business: 301-984-7191
Fax: 301-984-7195
E-mail: jtroil@mmgct.com
Web Site: www.wegetpatients.com
Contact: Jamie Troil
Mechelsesteenweg 455 B5
Kraainem, 1030 BELGIUM
Business: 32-2-768-01-66
Fax: 32-2-767-81-35
E-mail: psmet@msource-cro.com
Web Site: www.msource-cro.com
Contact: Piet Smet
Pawinskiego 5
Warsaw, 02-106 POLAND
Business: 48-22-668-5517
Fax: 48-22-668-5561
E-mail: mtz-clinical@mtz-clinical.pl
Web Site: www.mtz-clinical.pl
Contact: T. Brodniewicz
3232 N Elston Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
Toll-free: 888-633-3693
Business: 773-628-0404
Fax: 773-628-1495
E-mail: info@needmydoctor.com
Web Site: www.needmydoctor.com
Contact: Joseph Sameh
9685 Research Dr
Irvine, CA 92618
Toll-free: 800-6-PARAGON
Business: 949-224-2800
Fax: 949-224-2811
E-mail: marketing@parabio.com
Web Site: www.parabio.com
Contact: Lisa VanStaaveren
6207 Bee Caves Rd Ste 288
Austin, TX 78746
Business: 512-345-7788
Fax: 775-258-0231
E-mail: lance@tprausa.com
Web Site: www.patientrecruiting.com
Contact: Lance Nickens
Landsberger Strasse 408
Munich, 81241 GERMANY
Business: 49-89-9999-77-33
Fax: 49-89-9999-77-44
E-mail: kurt.pfister@pfc-cro.com
Web Site: www.pfc-cro.com
Contact: Kurt Pfister
450 N Sam Houston Pkwy Ste 250
Houston, TX 77060
Business: 713-559-7900
Fax: 713-559-7901
E-mail: info@pharm-olam.com
Web Site: www.pharm-olam.com
Contact: Iain Gordon
3 Melamed St
Yehud, 56206 ISRAEL
Business: 972-3-536-06-23
Fax: 972-3-506-812-497
E-mail: ran.frenkel@pfc-cro.com
Web Site: www.pfc-cro.com
Contact: Ran Frenkel
504 Carnegie Center
Princeton, NJ 08540-6242
Business: 609-951-6755
Fax: 609-720-5568
E-mail: amalavsky@pharmanet.com
Web Site: www.pharmanet.com
Contact: Andy Malavsky
8517 Excelsior Dr Ste 111
Madison, WI 53717
Business: 608-662-4177
Fax: 608-662-4176
E-mail: dmanak@pharmaseek.com
Web Site: www.pharmaseek.com
Contact: Dan Manak
3232 N Elston Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
Toll-free: 800-882-7943
Business: 773-628-0415
Fax: 773-628-1695
E-mail: info@phonescreen.com
Web Site: www.phonescreen.com
Contact: Joseph Sameh
12120 Sunset Hills Rd Ste 600
Reston, VA 20190
Business: 703-464-6300
Fax: 703-464-6301
E-mail: endpoints@praintl.com
Web Site: www.prainternational.com
Contact: John Lewis
5141 Virginia Way
Brentwood, TN 37027
Business: 615-312-8207
Fax: 615-312-8208
E-mail: info@gopraxis.com
Web Site: www.gopraxis.com
Contact: T. Hephner
Weingasse 14
Deidesheim, 67146 GERMANY
Business: 49-63269 675747
Fax: 49-6326-9675749
E-mail: rmoore@progenitorint.com
Web Site: www.progenitorinternational.com
Contact: Renee E. Moore
580 N Fourth St Ste 270
Columbus, OH 43215
Toll-free: 800-906-6565
Business: 614-324-1500
Fax: 614-324-0683
E-mail: azupnick@procro.com
Web Site: www.procro.com
Contact: Andrew Zupnick
19/21 Dostoyevsky St
St Petersburg, 191119 RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Business: 7-812-320-3820
Fax: 7-812-320-3850
E-mail: the@psi-cro.com
Web Site: www.psi-cro.com
Contact: Olga Alfonsova
L3 88 Jephson St
Toowong, Queensland 4066 AUSTRALIA
Business: 61-07-3331-3955
Fax: 61-07-3870-9101
E-mail: info@qctn.com.au
Web Site: www.qctn.com.au
Contact: Mario Pennisi
4709 Creekstone Dr #200
Durham, NC 27703
Business: 919-998-2000
Fax: 919-998-2571
E-mail: qtrn.information@quintiles.com
Web Site: www.quintiles.com
Contact: Paul Spreen
1120 112th Ave NE Ste 480
Bellevue, WA 98004
Business: 425-468-6200
Fax: 425-468-6245
E-mail: info@radiantresearch.com
Web Site: www.radiantresearch.com
Contact: Julie McHugh
1301 S MoPac Expy Ste 50
Austin, TX 78746
Business: 512-343-1092
Fax: 512-343-1684
E-mail: slattatori@researchpoint.com
Web Site: www.researchpoint.com
Contact: Stella Lattatori
Merthyr Tydfil Ind Park, Cardiff Rd
Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales CF48 4DR UNITED KINGDOM
Business: 44-1443-690977
Fax: 44-1443-692499
E-mail: alan.woodward@simbec.co.uk
Web Site: www.simbec.co.uk
Contact: Alan J. Woodward
575 Market St 17th Flr
San Francisco, CA 94105
Business: 415-817-8900
Fax: 415-817-8960
E-mail: natalie.cummins@synarc.com
Web Site: www.synarc.com
Contact: Natalie A. Cummins
22 Thomson Place
Boston, MA 02210
Business: 617-856-5900
Fax: 617-856-5901
E-mail: cwmarketing@thomson.com
Web Site: www.centerwatch.com
68 Winterhill Rd, PO Box 252
Madison, CT 06443
Business: 203-214-7247
Fax: 203-421-7948
E-mail: mark.bergander@ttlclinical.com
Web Site: www.ttlclinical.com
Contact: Mark J. Bergander
7501 Wisconsin Ave Ste 705
Bethesda, MD 20814
Business: 240-644-0420
Fax: 240-644-0421
E-mail: info@unitedbiosource.com
Web Site: www.unitedbiosource.com
Contact: Patrick Lindsay
Behind the Buzz: Why Clinical Research Leaders Flock to SCOPE Summit
February 7th 2025In this episode, we meet with Micah Lieberman, Executive Conference Director for SCOPE Summit (Summit for Clinical Ops Executives) at Cambridge Innovation Institute. We will dive deep into the critical role of collaboration within the clinical research ecosystem. How do we bring together diverse stakeholders—sponsors, CROs, clinical trial tech innovators, suppliers, patients, sites, advocacy organizations, investors, and non-profits—to share best practices in trial design, program planning, innovation, and clinical operations? We’ll explore why it’s vital for thought leaders to step beyond their own organizations and learn from others, exchanging ideas that drive advancements in clinical research. Additionally, we’ll discuss the pivotal role of scientific conferences like SCOPE Summit in fostering these essential connections and collaborations, helping shape the future of clinical trials. Join us as we uncover how collective wisdom and cross-industry partnerships are transforming the landscape of clinical research.
Reaching Diverse Patient Populations With Personalized Treatment Methods
January 20th 2025Daejin Abidoye, head of solid tumors, oncology development, AbbVie, discusses a number of topics around diversity in clinical research including industry’s greatest challenges in reaching diverse patient populations, personalized treatment methods, recruitment strategies, and more.