Applied Clinical Trials December 2024 Issue (PDF)
Click the title above for a link to open the Applied Clinical Trials December 2024 issue in an interactive PDF format.
The Year of AI
Our December issue takes a pulse check on where the industry stands with artificial intelligence—spotlighting the latest AI-driven approaches in clinical development.
Enhancing eCOA Through AI: A Look Ahead to 2025
The three areas poised for a transformation in the advent of electronic clinical outcome assessment technologies.
Applied AI and Advanced Automation in Clinical Trials
Use cases spotlight the growing potential of generative AI in the CRO space.
Leveraging AI/Machine Learning as an End-to-End Differentiator
A well-designed approach can benefit clinical trials from protocol design to site support.
Popular Culture and Clinical Research Literacy
Collective investment into leveraging popular culture and mass media as an educational medium is urgently needed.
In Focus: AI and Clinical Trials — ‘The Beginning of a Journey’
Experts weigh in on efforts to realize incremental gains in using AI to ease systemic ills, such as speeding up study enrollment and reducing the risk for unusable flawed data.
Central Monitoring Use in Early-Phase and Small Enrollment Trials
A review of industry methods and adoption trends in those trial segments.
Accelerating Breakthroughs with Synthetic Clinical Trial Data
The emergence of AI-powered simulants in improving study efficiency.
Q&A: Assessing the Strides Made So Far in AI’s Clinical Trial Ascent
Mick Ryan, vice president of IT at ICON plc, discusses the growing use of artificial intelligence in clinical research—from technology and data analysis to patient privacy and ethics.
Why Mindset Matters in Clinical Research
Recommending two enlightening books to introduce the science of thinking, learning, and doing for clinical research professionals.