Data and Knowledge Manager, CluePoints
Central Monitoring is Uncovering Emerging Quality Risks in Clinical Trials
The long-held practice is effective in pinpointing the emergence of known and unknown risks to clinical development, study shows.
Using Data Patterns to Proactively Improve Study Quality
Recent analysis showed 81% of clinical trial sites using RBQM statistical data monitoring experienced an improvement in quality.
Central Monitoring Use in Early-Phase and Small Enrollment Trials
A review of industry methods and adoption trends in those trial segments.
Risk Planning: A Review of Industry Trends
Analysis confirms there is a relatively high degree of variability in risk planning results across studies.
Quality Tolerance Limits: An Updated View of Industry Trends
New data shows the adoption of studies introducing quality tolerance limits continues to surge—and offers clues on focus of implementation.
A Review of Critical Issues Detected Via Central Statistical Monitoring
Analysis assesses the relative percentage of quality issues detected via SDM that clinical study teams considered critical.
Using Machine Learning and NLP to Improve Central Monitoring Documentation
Study teams often face challenges in maintaining detailed and accurate documentation of risk signals.
Ukraine War's Impact on Clinical Research: Evidence from Key Risk Indicators
Overall rate of significant KRI results for sites located in Ukraine has consistently risen since 2021.
Industry Trends: Cycle Time to Resolve Risk Signals
Metric derived from CluePoints central monitoring platform assesses average total cycle time from risk signal creation until closure.
The Role of KRIs in Process-Driven RBQM Success
As challenges like regulatory adherence, cost, and timelines become more complex, sponsors are seeking out new ways to incorporate risk-based approaches.
Quality Tolerance Limits: A Review of Industry Trends
Industry sees high increase in the use of QTLs.
Identifying Important Risk Indicators in Clinical Development
Study indentifies trends in most commonly used KRIs.