In an interview with ACT senior editor Andy Studna at SCOPE Summit, Ashley Davidson, vice president, product lead - sponsor tech strategy, Advarra, highlights the need for more site-centric approaches in study startup.
ACT: How can more of a focus on site needs and challenges enhance the patient experience?
Davidson: Yeah, similar to the phrase, “Happy wife, happy life.” If you have happy sites and sites that are engaged and get through the study startup process, that hopefully translates to their ability to enroll patients, and also not just enroll patients, but to reduce the compliance issues that they're going to have throughout the study. If you can focus on training, if you can focus on engaging with that site and study startup, in addition to the conduct part of the study, then hopefully that translates into better quality patient enrollment as well.
ACT: What recent advancements in study startup technology excite you the most?
Davidson: I've got a couple answers to this question. The first is probably not quite as flashy, and I wouldn't necessarily call it innovation, but I think it's something worth calling out, is single sign on and not just any single sign on, really taking a more site-centric approach to single sign on and actually meeting sites where they are with their own technology landscapes, allowing them to log into sponsor provision technology with the same credentials they log into every single day. That's not really all that innovative, but I think it's really crucial in being able to move the needle a really substantial amount.