Interdisciplinary networking, publications, and conferences are a few of the benefits of society membership.
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
Purpose. Its mission is to represent the pharmaceutical industry operating in the UK in a way that assures patients access to the best available medicines; creates a favorable political, economic, and regulatory environment; encourages innovative research and development; and affords fair commercial returns.
Details. Persons eligible: Full membership is open to companies in the UK who supply prescription medicines. Research affiliate membership is open to companies engaged in R&D and/or development of medicines for human use but which have no turnover in such products. General affiliates represent a range of organizations with an interest in the pharmaceutical industry operating in the UK. Publications: Newsletter.
Contact. Information Services Executive, 12 Whitehall, London SW1A 2DY, UK, +44 207 930 3477 ext. 1487, fax +44 20 7747 1414, email:
American College of Clinical Pharmacology
Purpose. The American College of Clinical Pharmacology strives to be the premier professional society with the size, influence and diversity of membership consistent with the breadth of the discipline of clinical pharmacology that will: 1) Provide innovative, unbiased, quality educational programs and forums for our membership, fellow health professionals, students and the public. 2) Lead in the development and dissemination of basic and clinical knowledge to improve rational drug use and patient outcomes. 3) Support and encourage discovery and development efforts designed to provide improved therapeutic modalities. 4) Serve as a forum for active public debate to influence scientific, regulatory, and public health policy issues. 5) Serve the membership through ongoing, open communication, recognition of excellence and service, and by providing opportunities to influence future directions of the College.
Details. Persons eligible: Those with an interest in clinical pharmacology who complete an application and submit a CV for review by a credentials committee. Annual meeting: 14–16 September 2008, Philadelphia, PA. Publications: Directory (published annually), Newsletter (published three times per year); Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (monthly).
Contact. Susan S. Ulrich, RPh, Executive Director, 3 Ellinwood Court, New Hartford, NY 13413-1105, United States, (315) 768-6117, fax (315) 768-6119, email:
Association of Clinical Research Professionals
Purpose. The mission is to "Provide global leadership to promote integrity and excellence for the clinical research profession." ACRP is the premiere organization for clinical research professionals in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries, as well as those in hospital, academic medical centers, and physician office settings worldwide. Founded in 1976, ACRP is comprised of a diverse network of clinical research professionals including clinical research coordinators, investigators, and associates, research and development project managers, regulatory affairs and compliance professionals, and quality control and assurance auditors. ACRP's membership spans 66 countries and includes 20,000 members and 75 global chapters.
Details. Persons eligible: Membership is open to all professionals engaged in clinical research. Annual meeting: Global Conference & Exhibition, 25–29
April 2008, Boston, MA. Publications:The Monitor (bimonthly peer-reviewed periodical), Wire (monthly e-newsletter). ACRP has two affiliate organizations: The Academy of Pharmaceutical Physicians and Investigators (APPI) and The Academy of Clinical Research Professionals. APPI is a physician-only membership. The Academy houses certification and government relations.
Contact. US: ACRP Global Headquarters, 500 Montgomery Street, Ste. 800, Alexandria, VA 22314, (703) 254-8100, fax (703) 254-8101, email: Europe: ACRP European Office, Goswell House, 134 Peascod Street, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 1DS United Kingdom, +44 (0)1753 831 900, fax +44 (0)1753 855 157, email:
American Medical Writers Association
Purpose. The American Medical Writers Association was founded in 1940 to help medical authors. Grounded in its code of ethics, AMWA's mission is to promote excellence in the writing, editing, and production of printed and electronic communications to professional, regulatory, and public audiences. Through an extensive educational program, various publications, and unparalleled opportunities for networking, AMWA encourages and enables its members to extend their professional expertise.
Details. Persons eligible: Membership in AMWA is open to anyone interested in any aspect of medical communication. If you write, edit, or are employed in the field of medical communication as a teacher, or as a specialist in multimedia, public relations, advertising, or marketing, you belong in AMWA. Student membership is available to full-time students. Annual meeting: 23–25 October 2008, Louisville, KY. Publications: AMWA Journal (quarterly), Essays for Biomedical Communicators: Volumes 1 and 2 of Selected AMWA Workshops, Member Directory (members-only section of Web site), Self Study Workshop: Basic Grammar and Usage for Biomedical Communicators; Self Study Workshop:Punctuation for Clarity and Style.
Contact. AMWA Headquarters, 40 West Gude Drive, Suite 101, Rockville, MD 20850-1192, (301) 294-5303, fax (301) 294-9006, email:
Australian Pharmaceutical Physicians Association
Purpose. The aims of the Association are to represent Pharmaceutical Physicians working within the Australian pharmaceutical industry; to facilitate the sharing of technical expertise and thereby foster the further education of pharmaceutical physicians within Australia; and to provide fellowship and dialogue between physicians working within the pharmaceutical industry.
Details. Persons eligible: Physicians working in the pharmaceutical industry in Australia.
American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Purpose. The American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics advances the discipline and practice of clinical pharmacology for the benefit of patients and society. ASCPT fosters the recognition of clinical pharmacology as a discipline at the forefront of the discovery, development, regulation, and use of safe and effective medicines. The primary forums we provide to facilitate scientific exchange include ASCPT's prestigious journal, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics; ASCPT's Annual Scientific Meeting; Scientific Sections for clinical pharmacology specialties and
Details. Persons eligible: Full Members are persons who have earned a doctorate degree in any of the biomedical sciences, or have evidence of an equivalent of a doctorate degree in training and experience. He/she must demonstrate his/her sincere interest in and contributions to human pharmacology and therapeutics by documenting specific examples such as publications, grants, patents, and/or FDA reports. Associates Not in Training are persons who do not meet the requirements for full membership but exhibit an interest in human pharmacology and therapeutics. Associates in Training are currently enrolled in a post-doctoral training program and have an interest in human pharmacology and therapeutics. Student applicants are those pursuing a post-baccalaureate degree who have an interest in human pharmacology and therapeutics. Annual meeting: 2–5 April 2008, Orlando, FL. Publications: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (journal, 13 issues).
Contact. Sharon J. Swan, CAE, Executive Director, 528 N. Washington St., Alexandria, VA 22314, (703) 836-6981, fax (703) 836-5223, email:
American Society for Quality
Purpose. The American Society for Quality advances individual, organizational, and community excellence worldwide through quality improvement, learning, and knowledge exchange.
Details. Persons eligible: All those in the Quality field or those pursuing a career in the Quality field. Annual meeting: No official date set as of late 2007. Publications:Quality Progress (monthly magazine), Technometrics, Journal of Quality Technology, Quality Engineering, Quality Management Journal, Software Quality Professional, and Six Sigma Magazine. ASQ publishes approximately 30 new book titles on quality a year.
Contact. ASQ, 600 N Plankinton Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53203, (800) 248-1946 or (414) 272-8575, fax (414) 272-1734, email:
British Association of Research Quality Assurance
Purpose. To evaluate and appraise the Quality Assurance aspects of regulations, guidelines, and principles related to studies conducted on chemicals, biologicals, and devices that affect man, animals, and the environment (GLP, GCP, and GMP); to promote training and the exchange of information; and to advance the standards of the QA profession.
Details. Persons eligible: All those involved in Research Quality Assurance and those working with or interested in Good Laboratory, Clinical, or Manufacturing Practice Regulations. Annual meeting: No official date set as of late 2007. Publications: Magazine.
Contact. David Weller, 3 Wherry Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 1LG, UK, +44 1473 221 411, fax +44 1473 221 412, email:
Clinical Contract Research Association
Purpose. This trade association represents the professional views and interests of all organizations which provide contract clinical development services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
Details. Persons eligible: Membership is open to any independent company that offers a service of organizing and reporting clinical research in Phases I–IV of drug development.
Contact. Susan N. Dilks, Director of Operations, PO Box 1055, Oadby, Leicester LE2 4XZ, UK, +44 116 271 9727, fax +44 116 271 3155,
The Center for Information & Study on Clinical Research Participation
Purpose. The Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP) is an independent national nonprofit organization, founded in 2003. CISCRP's mission is to educate, inform and empower patients, the public, medical and research professionals, the media and policymakers about what it means to be an active participant in the clinical research process. CISCRP promotes greater awareness and understanding of clinical research participation and the role that it plays in public health. In addition, CISCRP facilitates more effective collaboration among all members of the clinical research enterprise, and provides resources for the research community to better understand the study volunteer.
Details. Persons eligible: All members of the clinical research enterprise who are committed to increased education and awareness regarding clinical research participation. At this time, over 100 organizations across a broad constituency are members of the CISCRP Circle of Supporters and the number is growing rapidly. Upcoming Events: AWARE for All, Clinical Research Education and Awareness Days in Indianapolis, Philadelphia, Dallas and Boston in 2008, with plans for rollout to additional cities. These free programs are open to the public and include educational workshops, health screenings, renowned physician speakers, thank-you receptions for clinical research volunteers, and an information alley/exhibit area. Initiatives: Educational branding initiative with a print and radio ad campaign depicting trial volunteers as medical heroes; television public service announcement ("Be an informed participant"), print public service announcement in collaboration with the FDA, educational brochures and DVDs, media kits, website (, web portal that compiles clinical trial listings (, speakers bureau, scholarly research projects to survey the public's perception of clinical research and the study volunteer. Publication: bi-monthly electronic/print newsletter (The Participant) issued as a free service to all individuals registered on the CISCRP website.
Contact. Diane Simmons, President and CEO, Dedham Executive Center, 990 Washington Street, Suite 101S, Dedham, MA 02026, (781) 326-3400, fax (781) 326-3420, email:
German Association of Pharmaceutical Medicine (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pharmazeutische Medizin e. V.)
Purpose. DGPharMed is a scientific organization composed of both medical doctors and scientists. Our members are all involved with pharmaceuticals, CROs, or other research organizations. DGPharMed has been promoting pharmaceutical medicine since the organization was founded in 1973. The organization works to expand and enrich the role doctors play in the pharmaceutical industry through newsletters, meetings, and courses.
Details. Persons eligible: Physicians and scientists working in the field of pharmaceutical medicine. Annual meeting: No official date set as of late 2007. Publications:DGPharMed-News; several handbooks.
Contact. Veronika Peschkes, Office Manager, Olschewskibogen 7, Munich, D-80935, Germany, +49 89 354 99 823, fax +49 89 354 99 825, email:
Drug Information Association
Purpose. Serve and develop members by providing a neutral, global forum that promotes the exchange of information critical to their professional performance and achievement.
Details. Persons eligible: Open to any professional in the pharmaceutical or related healthcare industries, academia, CROs/CSOs, and regulatory or related government agencies. Annual meetings: 20th Annual EuroMeeting, 3–5 March 2008, Barcelona, Spain; 44th Annual Meeting, 22–26 June 2008, Boston, MA. Publications: Drug Information Journal (published quarterly) DIA Today (published eight times a year, including special EuroMeeting and Annual Meeting wrap-up issues and incorporating contents of DIA Forum, including Continuing Education articles), CSO Directory (published annually).
Contact. US: DIA, 800 Enterprise Road Suite 200, Horsham PA 19044-3595, (215) 442-6100, fax (215) 442-6199, email: Europe: DIA Europe, Postfach 4002 Basel Switzerland, +41 61 225 51 51, fax +41 61 225 51 52, email: Japan: DIA Japan LLC, Maruei Building 4F, 2-19-9 Iwamoto-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 101-0032 Japan, +81.3.5833.8444, fax +81.3.5820.8448, email:
European Forum for Good Clinical Practice
Purpose. The European Forum for Good Clinical Practice (EFGCP) is a non-profit organization established by and for individuals with a professional involvement in the conduct of biomedical research. Its purpose is to promote good clinical practice and encourage the practice of common, high-quality standards in all stages of biomedical research throughout Europe. The EFGCP does this by promoting contact and partnership between the major disciplines and organizations affected by good clinical practice: pharmaceutical companies; contract research organizations; suppliers of services, systems and equipment; academia; investigators; ethics committees; regulatory authorities; patient organizations; etc.
Details. Persons eligible: Anybody interested in GCP. Annual meeting: EFGCP 2008 Annual Conference, 29–30 January 2008, Résidence Palace, Brussels, Belgium. Publications: Newsletter: EFGCP News; Meeting reports; International Guidelines/Recommendations/Position Papers; EFGCP Report on The Procedure for the Ethical Review of Protocols for Clinical Research Projects in the European Union (Nov.2006).
Contact. Fanny Senez, Communication, Membership & Finance Coordinator EFGCP Secretariat, Square de Meeûs, rue de l'Industrie 4 – 1000 Brussels, Belgium, +32 2 732 87 83, fax +32 2 503 31 08, email:
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer
Purpose. The EORTC, created in 1962, is an international research organization registered under Belgian law. It promotes, conducts, and coordinates multidisciplinary cancer research in 32 countries. This unique network of more than 2500 scientists and clinical investigators, in about 300 cancer centers and clinics, conducts high-quality research on new drug development and multicenter studies requiring multidisciplinary expertise to establish state-of-the-art treatment. It adds to the value of clinical trials, translational research and quality-of-life assessment. The results of its research effort are disseminated through publications, an active educational program, and specialized conferences.
Details. Persons eligible: Scientists and clinical investigators involved in cancer research. Annual meeting: No official date set as of late 2007. Publications: Clinical trials research results in peer-review journals as well as brochures and annual report.
Contact. Françoise Meunier, Director General, Avenue E. Mounier, 83–Box 11, Brussels B-1200, Belgium, +32 2 774 1630, fax +32 2 771 2004, email:
Association for Good Clinical Practice in Poland (Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Dobrej Praktyki Badan Klinicznych w Polsce)
Purpose. In February of 1998, the Association for Good Clinical Practice in Poland was established under an initiative of pharmaceutical companies (both foreign and Polish) and CROs. It is officially registered under Polish law. The aim of the association is to develop and disseminate initiatives and actions for the introduction and promotion of European and international (ICH) GCP throughout the Polish medical, scientific, and regulatory community, and to educate the public regarding clinical trials.
Details. Persons eligible: All individuals involved in clinical research in Poland: professionals, investigators, physicians, etc.; as well as sponsors/organizations/CROs, etc. as supporting members. Publications: GCPpl Newsletter.
Contact. Office Administrator, Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Dobrej Praktyki Badan Klinicznych w Polsce, Domaniewska 41 (Neptun), Warszawa 02-672, Poland, +48 22 874 5923, fax +48 22 847 5901, email:
The Institute of Clinical Research
Purpose. The Institute of Clinical Research (ICR) is the premier organization for clinical research professionals and is committed to sharing and promoting the highest standards of clinical research. Membership of ICR offers a wide range of benefits and services; education and training; special interest groups, forums and professional conferences; together with access to an extensive range of information and publications. ICR is a not for profit organization with headquarters in Marlow, UK. For further information, please visit
Details. Persons eligible: anyone engaged in clinical research as well as those who support the industry. Annual Meeting: 8–9 April 2008, ICC, Birmingham, UK. Publications:Clinical Research focus (CRfocus: journal) and a range of clinical research booklets and practical guides.
Contact. Jayne Turner, Head of Operations, The Institute of Clinical Research, Thames House, Mere Park, Dedmere Road, Marlow, Buckinghamshire SL7 1PB, United Kingdom, +44 (0)1628 899759, fax: +44 (0)1628 899766, email:
International Federation of Associations of Pharmaceutical Physicians
Purpose. IFAPP is a nonprofit Federation of National Associations of pharmaceutical professionals working in the discovery, development, and marketing of medical products. IFAPP now represents 30 national associations established in the five continents, and is the voice of about 7000 pharmaceutical professionals. IFAPP's purpose is to enhance the relationship of pharmaceutical physicians within the medical community, assist its members in maintaining and enhancing their skills and knowledge, and provide a forum for the exchange of information of interest and relevance to pharmaceutical medicine professionals. IFAPP has also established two important activities: The Council for Education in Pharmaceutical Medicine, and the Code of Ethics for Pharmaceutical Professionals.
Details. Persons eligible: National Associations of Pharmaceutical Medicine members only. Bi-annual international conference: 7–10 September 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Contact. IFAPP secretariat, Caroline van Bruggen, Rendementsweg 24 E-I, NL-3641 SL, Mijdrecht, The Netherlands, +31 297 285144, fax +31 297 256046, email:
International Society for Clinical Biostatistics
Purpose. To stimulate research on biostatistical principles and methodology used in clinical research; to increase the relevance of statistical theory to clinical medicine; to promote high and harmonized standards of statistical practice; to work with other societies and organizations in the advancement of biostatistics; to promote better understanding of the use and interpretation of biostatistics by the general public, and by national and international organizations and agencies within the public and commercial sectors with an interest in and/or responsibilities for public health; and to provide a common forum for clinicians and statisticians through meetings, seminars, and publications.
Details. Persons eligible: All interested individuals who share the aims of the Society. Annual meeting: 17–21 August 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark. Publication: ISCB News.
Contact. ISCB Permanent Office, PO Box 130, DK-3460 Birkerod, Denmark, tel. +45 4567 2279, fax +45 7022 1571, email:
Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research
Purpose. Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) is dedicated to creating, implementing, and advancing the highest ethical standards in the conduct of research. PRIM&R provides unparalleled access to educational programming, certification, networking, and professional development resources. Since 1974, PRIM&R's conferences, educational programs, and training resources have educated thousands of people around the world, serving the full array of individuals and organizations involved in biomedical, behavioral, social science, and educational research.
Details. Persons eligible: Members of the PRIM&R community include professionals representing human and animal research protection programs, as well as researchers, institutional officials, government personnel, subject advocates, academics, policy makers, pharmaceutical and biotechnology leaders, attorneys, and hospital administrators, etc.
Annual meeting: 16–19 November 2008, Orlando, FL. Publications: Monthly electronic newsletter for members; educational materials for each meeting.
Contact. PRIM&R, 126 Brookline Ave., Suite 202, Boston, MA 02215, (617) 423-4112, fax (617) 423-1185, email:
Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Purpose. PSI provides a forum for regular discussion of statistics and matters relating to the practice of statistics in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as promoting Good Statistical Practice within the industry. Members of PSI are statisticians and statistical programmers working in all areas of the drug development process, including research, preclinical, clinical, production, quality control, marketing and market research; as well as academic statisticians, consultants, and others interested in the application of statistics within the industry.
Details. Persons eligible: Ordinary membership: Must hold a degree in statistics or a related discipline, or Royal Statistical Society (RSS) or the Institute of Statisticians, final examinations, or CStat. Anyone employed in the pharmaceutical industry, or providing a statistical programming service to the industry and has worked or is working as a statistician or statistical programmer within the pharmaceutical industry. Associate membership: An ordinary membership but without a degree in statistics or related discipline. Other available memberships: Academic, Retired, Teacher, Affiliate, Student. Annual meeting: No official date set as of late 2007. Publications:SPIN (PSI newsletter, quarterly); Pharmaceutical Statistics (journal); Careers for Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry; Career Opportunities for School Leavers.
Contact. PSI Executive Office, Resources for Associations, South Park Road, Macclesfield, SK11 6SH, UK, +44 1625 267 882, +44 1625 267 879, email:
Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society
Purpose. The Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society (RAPS) is the leading worldwide member organization devoted to the health product regulatory profession. With more than 11,000 individual members from industry, government, research, clinical, and academic organizations in more than 50 countries, RAPS develops professional standards for knowledge, competency, and ethics and is the leading source of information on the scope of practice of regulatory professionals and their critical roles in the health sector. Founded in 1976, RAPS advances learning and fosters knowledge ex change in regulatory, scientific, business, legal, and other areas essential to effective product development and regulation. RAPS administers the only recognized credential for the profession—the Regulatory Affairs Certification (RAC).
Details. Persons eligible: Regulatory Affairs professionals in the health product industry are eligible for membership. Annual meeting: No official date set as of late 2007. Publications: Fundamentals of Regulatory Affairs; Regulatory Affairs Focus (monthly); RAC Self-Assessment Examination and various educational materials.
Contact. RAPS Solutions Center, 11300 Rockville Pike, Ste. 1000, Rockville, MD 20852, (301) 770-2920 ext. 200, fax (301) 770-2924, email:
Society for Clinical Data Management
Purpose. The Society is dedicated to the advancement of excellence in the management of clinical data.
Details. Persons eligible. Founded in 1994, SCDM has grown to be a premier data management organization which embodies upwards of 2000 domestic and international members who represent the biotechnology, medical device, and pharmaceutical industries, as well as members of the academic, regulatory, and scientific research communities. Third-party organizations that support these groups, Contract Research Organizations, consultants, hardware and software vendors, and placement firms also represent an important portion of the Society's membership. Annual meeting: 21–24 September 2008, Dallas, TX. Publications: Data Basics (quarterly peer-reviewed print publication); Data Connections (monthly e-newsletter); Good Clinical Data Management Practices document (this peer-reviewed GCP document consists of 25 chapters focused on a wide variety of activities vital to the data management job function). Certifications: Certified Clinical Data Manager (CCDM).
Contact. Society for Clinical Data Management, 555 E. Wells Street, Ste. 1100, Milwaukee, WI 53202, (414) 226-0362, fax (414) 276-3349, email:
Society for Clinical Trials, Inc.
Purpose. The Society for Clinical Trials, created in 1978, is an international professional organization dedicated to the development and dissemination of knowledge about the design, conduct, and analysis of government- and industry-sponsored clinical trials and related health care research methodologies.
Details. Persons eligible: Individuals involved with clinical trials research. Annual meeting: 18–21 May 2008, St. Louis, MO. Publications: Clinical Trials, Journal of theSociety for Clinical Trials; semi-annual newsletter.
Contact. Mary Karpers-Burke, Executive Director, 600 Wyndhurst Ave., Suite 112, Baltimore, MD 21210, (410) 433-4722, fax (410) 435-8631, email:
Society of Clinical Research Associates
Purpose. As an international nonprofit membership organization SoCRA encourages all clinical researchers including professionals working at investigational sites, in academia, in industry and in government to improve and develop their capabilities in subject areas beneficial to the medical and research community and the community at large; enhances recognition by the medical community of the professionalism of the clinical researcher; offers opportunities for peer to peer recognition, understanding and information exchange; establishes training programs and continuing education programs for persons involved in or interested in clinical medical research, including consistent educational programming such as a regularly scheduled annual conference and other courses, workshops and seminars related to clinical science and clinical trials, and applicable regulations and international guidelines; nurtures regional educational activities through an established network of chapters; and supports an internationally recognized certification program (Certified Clinical Research Professional [CCRP]) for all professionals involved in clinical research.
Details. Persons eligible: All persons interested in clinical research. Annual meeting: 26–28 September 2008, Vancouver, B.C. Publications: The SoCRA SOURCE (quarterly journal).
Contact. SoCRA Office, 530 West Butler Avenue, Suite 109, Chalfont, PA 18914, (800) 762-7292 or (215) 822-8644, fax (215) 822-8633, email:
Society of Toxicology
Purpose. The Society of Toxicology is an international professional organization of 5800 scientists from universities, government, industry, and other organizations dedicated to advancing human, animal, and environmental health through the science of toxicology. The SOT's goals are to identify and address critical gaps in toxicology research and education with innovative basic and applied science; to be indispensable to the scientific and professional development of its members; and to make the value of toxicology as a scientific discipline widely understood, accepted, and utilized in enhancing human, animal, and environmental health.
Details. Persons eligible: Toxicologists who meet eligibility requirements based on training and professional activity. Annual meeting: 16–20 March 2008, Seattle, WA. Publications: The Toxicologist (abstracts); Toxicological Science (journal); The SOT Communiqué (newsletter).
Contact. Shawn Lamb, Executive Director, 1821 Michael Faraday Dr., Suite 300, Reston, VA 20190, USA, (703) 438-3115, fax (703) 438-3113, email:
Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine
Purpose. To promote the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge concerning the action and development of medicinal agents as well as their application in therapeutics; to arrange meetings as appropriate between those engaged in aspects of pharmaceutical medicine; to promote a closer relationship between physicians and scientists in the fields of pharmacology, therapeutics, and drug development; and to ensure that the societies' activities are in the overall interests of persons suffering from, or at risk from, illness and disease.
Details. Persons eligible: Membership is open to those with medical or scientific training who are actively engaged in the evaluation of established or potential medicinal agents. Applications are welcome also from persons who, though lacking formal medical or scientific training, are nevertheless interested in furthering the aims and objectives of the Society. Annual general meeting: 20 October 2008, London, UK, and other scientific meetings held throughout year. Details on Web site. Publications:International Journal of Pharmaceutical Medicine.
Contact. Annaliese Shiret, Executive Secretary, 9 Red Lion Court, London, EC4A 3EF, UK, +44 20 7936 5980, fax +44 20 7936 5901, email:
Society of Quality Assurance
Purpose. The Society of Quality Assurance (SQA) is an interdisciplinary and international membership society including over 2300 professionals from 31 countries involved in scientific research regulated by GCPs, GLPs, or GMPs. In cooperation with its Committees, Specialty Sections, and Regional Chapters, SQA provides opportunities for interaction with regulatory officials, colleagues, and consultants, and specialized training in convenient locations. SQA training provides contact hours for clinical CEUs.
Details. Persons eligible: Anyone interested in regulated research. Annual meeting: 20–25 April 2008, Memphis, TN. Publications: Newsletter (quarterly), journal (quarterly), training manuals, members-only Web site, membership directory.
Contact. Elliott Graham, Executive Director, 2365 Hunters Way, Charlottesville, VA 22911, (434) 297-4772, fax (434) 977-1856, email:
Society for Applied Pharmacological Sciences (Società di Scienze Farmacologiche Applicate)
Purpose. SSFA is a scientific association founded in Milan, Italy, in 1964, and is associated with IFAPP. Its purpose is to promote the growth of scientific and pharmacological culture; support the scientific activity of its Members; express the official position of its Members on scientific, technical, and ethical issues; keep contact with other scientific associations, both in Italy and abroad, and with the Health Authorities; and promote high-quality education and training.
Details. Persons eligible: Eligible persons are those working in the field of pharmaceutical research and interested in the objectives of the association. In order to be elected, each person has to be introduced by two official members. Publications: Newsletter and the journalsSSFA Oggi and Cronache Farmaceutiche.
Contact. SSFA Headquarters, Viale Abruzzi 32, 20131 Milano, Italy, +39 02 29536444, fax +39 02 890 58506, email:
The Organization for Professionals in Regulatory Affairs
Purpose. To provide its international membership with the highest quality education, information and career development services to ensure that the value and strategic contribution of regulatory affairs is universally recognized.
Details. Persons eligible: Those with an active interest and who participate in regulatory affairs may join TOPRA. Through a self-certification process some Members may become Registered Members (MTOPRA). Those with 10 years experience and significant contributions to Regulatory Affairs are eligible to become Fellows (FTOPRA). Annual meeting: 6–8 October 2008, Budapest, Hungary. Publications: Regulatory Rapporteur (monthly international journal), In Touch (quarterly newsletter).
Contact. Erik Smit, Business Development Manager, 7 Heron Quays, Marsh Wall, London E14 4JB, UK, +44 207 538 9502, fax +44 207 515 7836, email:
Behind the Buzz: Why Clinical Research Leaders Flock to SCOPE Summit
February 7th 2025In this episode, we meet with Micah Lieberman, Executive Conference Director for SCOPE Summit (Summit for Clinical Ops Executives) at Cambridge Innovation Institute. We will dive deep into the critical role of collaboration within the clinical research ecosystem. How do we bring together diverse stakeholders—sponsors, CROs, clinical trial tech innovators, suppliers, patients, sites, advocacy organizations, investors, and non-profits—to share best practices in trial design, program planning, innovation, and clinical operations? We’ll explore why it’s vital for thought leaders to step beyond their own organizations and learn from others, exchanging ideas that drive advancements in clinical research. Additionally, we’ll discuss the pivotal role of scientific conferences like SCOPE Summit in fostering these essential connections and collaborations, helping shape the future of clinical trials. Join us as we uncover how collective wisdom and cross-industry partnerships are transforming the landscape of clinical research.
Reaching Diverse Patient Populations With Personalized Treatment Methods
January 20th 2025Daejin Abidoye, head of solid tumors, oncology development, AbbVie, discusses a number of topics around diversity in clinical research including industry’s greatest challenges in reaching diverse patient populations, personalized treatment methods, recruitment strategies, and more.