Pressure Mounts for Central IRBs
February 1st 2015The "discussion draft" for legislation to speed "21st Century Cures" to patients emerged very quietly on Capitol Hill recently, muted by an absence of bipartisan support which had generated considerable enthusiasm for this effort to promote biomedical research and streamline regulation.
Terrorist Attacks Have No Impact on EuroMeeting, Says DIA
February 1st 2015Efforts are escalating to encourage sponsors, research institutions, and clinical investigators to accept oversight for multi-center studies by central institutional review boards (IRBs), as seen in several discussions of this topic at the December conference on "Advancing Ethical Research" sponsored by Public Responsibility in Medicine & Research.
Exposing Patients to the Bigger Mobile and Digital Health Picture
February 1st 2015The World Health Report 2013 argues that universal health coverage cannot be achieved without the evidence from scientific research, and in order to better manage healthcare, clinical research needs to keep up-to-date and advance in line with society in general.
The Remote Patient-Centered Approach in Clinical Research
February 1st 2015In the healthcare arena, the concept of patient-centeredness has expanded over the last 50 years, beginning as a term to describe patient engagement in self-health management and evolving to include various aspects of patient engagement in healthcare research.1
Closing in on Opportunities to Simplify Protocol Design
February 1st 2015Sponsor companies face intense pressure to deliver higher levels of efficiency and drug development performance. A growing number of sponsors are now acting on the belief that improvements in protocol design feasibility hold the key to addressing and easing some of these pressures.
Integrated Clinical Research Systems: A Chance to Reinvent
February 1st 2015The organization of healthcare is changing rapidly. The healthcare delivery system is increasingly powered by payers and regulators, and this directs both clinical medicine and drug development. Partly because of this change, the drug development process has been heavily scrutinized, and a great emphasis has been placed on more efficient translation of basic science into useful medicines.
Applied Clinical Trials Digital Edition - February/March 2015
February 1st 2015Sites: Integrated Clinical Research Boosting the Investigator Pool Trial Design: Remote Patient-Centered Studies Risk-Based Monitoring in Action Also in this issue: New Drug Approval Momentum mHealth in Clinical Trials Simplifying Protocol Design