
David Kerr


Spotlight on Open-Label Extension Studies

Open-label extension (OLE) studies are common, but they do not receive as much attention as traditional Phase I through Phase IV studies. Enrollment into an OLE study typically follows enrollment into a randomized, blinded, well-controlled main study. Participants are usually informed at the time they are recruited into the main study that they may elect to enroll in an OLE study after completing the main trial. The stated objective of most OLE studies is to obtain long-term safety and tolerability data.

George Nauyok


Waive Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria?

Waiving inclusion/exclusion criteria affects investigators, subjects, sponsors, and the trial itself.

Jules T. Mitchel, MBA, PhD


Regulatory Considerations for Digitally Driven Trials

Tech companies entering space must adapt and adhere to regulations set by FDA.

Max Rashed


Mastering Currency Fluctuation

Step-by-step process for budgeting global trials that uses a Currency Risk Management method.

Elia Neninger Vinejera, MD


Documenting Adverse Events

Analysis of hematology and blood chemistry's AEs in sponsor's databases.

Michael Smyth


Paperless Clinical Trial Optimization—Thinking Outside the Box

The implementation of best practices for clinical study and development conduct can streamline administrative burdens for investigator staff as well as study teams, and hopefully yield reduced costs in conducting global clinical development.

Denise M Langabeer


Financial Simulation Modeling

With a PC and some software you can generate realistic projections that save time and money.

Gudrun Zahlmann


EHR and EDC Integration in Reality

An evaluation of the Munich Pilot and the affects of the EHR-EDC integration solution.

Aliz Mathild Vega Rodriguez


Documenting Adverse Events

Analysis of hematology and blood chemistry's AEs in sponsor's databases.

Kunal Khattar


The Face of Partnering in India

How leveraging local expertise can make the migration east smoother for companies.

Donna Hellsten


Planning an EDC Clinical Trial

Readers share their experiences

Julian Upton


Engaging with Emotions: Patients as Partners

Involving patients more meaningfully in the industry's activities means getting more serious about their emotional wellbeing.

Irv Cantor


The Quality Coach

The right person can successfully promote proper management of quality and compliance, leading to desired clinical trial outcomes.

Emma Waite


Biomarker Boom

A look at the different testing methods and how the results impact drug development.

Kenneth Getz, MBA


Introducing PALADIN

First-of-its-kind consortium dedicated to accelerating new medicines development through optimizing patient advocacy group—industry collaboration.

Christy Chuang-Stein


Adaptive Designs: A Fad or the Future of Clinical Research?

Making adaptations to clinical trials in the early stages of research with the use of interim data.

Friedbert Theis, PhD


Critical Appraisal of Clinical Quality Assurance Based on Benchmarking Results: Past - Present - Future

A follow-up survey on clinical quality assurance (CQA) assesses current industry best practices compared to a decade ago, and provides recommendations on this key component of quality management for the future.

Richard Irons


East vs West

How cultural and training differences affect molecular-based clinical research in China.

Ed Tourtellotte


Three Generations of RTSM (Randomization and Trial Supply Management)

With all the focus on various data capture solutions in the clinical trials world over the past decade(s), few people seem to have noticed the exponential advances made in the real workhorse systems of the trials: RTSM. Also known as IVR, IWR and IRT, these systems actually execute randomization, blinded supply and resupply management to depots and sites, and most importantly of all, drug dispensing. Is there anything more important to get right?

Carl-Fredrik Burman


Adaptive Designs: A Fad or the Future of Clinical Research?

Making adaptations to clinical trials in the early stages of research with the use of interim data.

Beatriz Mosqueira


Approaching Africa

The Declaration of Helsinki requires that control groups receive the “best” current treatment, not the “local” one. This shift in wording has profound implications.

Paul Nowacki


Pharma Casts Out Financial Functions

Outsourcing finance and accounting can provide cost savings and improve operations.

Jasmin Khan-Boluki


Pediatric Research in Germany

Surveys among pharma, clinics, and investigators shed light on trials in children.

Igor Stefanov


Risk Based Budgeting

Adoption of the concept of Risk-Based Budgeting could help maintain the trial budget or even save the whole clinical trial.

Jane Reed, director, life sciences NLP, IQVIA


How NLP Surfaces Adverse Events and Safety Insights to Improve Drug Safety Processes

Use cases show benefits of unlocking data to improve signal and adverse event detection.

Christian Olsen


Three Must-Dos for Tracking Research and Development of Monoclonal Antibodies

There is an expanding array of potential antibody-based treatment options, such as bispecific or multispecific antibodies, that show promise in addressing conditions such as cancer, engineered antibody fragments, or even antibody-drug conjugates.

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