Ronald S. Waife, MPH, is president of Waife & Associates Inc.
Pretty Good Processes
Following the examples of these six companies might change your organization for good.
Not at Your Service
Move away from the "service" model if it means being subservient.
You're Trumped!
In contract research and contract bridge, the cards aren't as important as the people holding them.
The 11-Day Week
Arbitrarily scheduled meetings eat away at valuable time otherwise spent actually getting things done.
When to Hold ?Em, When to Fold ?Em
Moving ineffective personnel out of critical positions can be a difficult but necessary management task.
Rigor Vivus
Postmarketing research is conducted differently than preapproval research, but data gained using different standards can be difficult to integrate.
Who's in Charge Here?
If it?s not clear who?s in charge, then no one is?and process improvement can be undermined.
The Woodsman?s Tale
It may seem impossible to do what we know is right?to try to save time and money by spending time and money.
Learn Before You Leap
Putting staff training at the bottom of your list of important tasks is a self-defeating attitude in the business world.
Cross-(Dys)Functional Teams
Commitment, skill, leadership, a clear focus, performance metrics, and a proven process will keep your cross-functional team from dysfunction.
Nobody Knows the Costs They?ve Seen
To judge the value of process improvement, companies need to understand the cost of doing business. The problem is: they don?t.