TRAC Unveils New Identity


Company News Release

Following a complete brand and identity audit, TRAC, has unveiled its completely new look and applied it to everything from company signage and letter heads to a new Web site and exhibition stands.

Award-Winning Firm Unveils Brand New Identity

A multi-award winning Cornish firm, which works with some of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies, has unveiled a completely new identity after calling in one of Cornwall's leading design consultancies.

Following a complete brand and identity audit by Nixon Design, regulatory affairs specialist TRAC, has unveiled its completely new look and applied it to everything from company signage and letter heads to a new website and exhibition stands.

TRAC Director Sarah Trethowan said the brand audit undertaken by Nixon, was about much more than just creating a new look for the company. Instead it went much deeper into the business, looking at and identifying the core values and strengths of the business, and reflecting these in the new brand.

We have had the same identity since we launched the company in 2001, but have developed and grown so much in that time that we felt we needed to reflect not just how we have evolved but also create an identity that would aid us with our future development and expansion plans, said Sarah.

You often think of a re-brand as simply coming up with a new logo and corporate look, but the project we undertook with Nixon Design really stripped down all of the elements of the business and made us look very carefully at every aspect of what makes TRAC the company it is, what differentiates us from other organisations in the Regulatory Affairs sector and what TRAC meant to people both outside and inside the organisation.

It was an extremely interesting and valuable project that made us stop, look at and consider our business and how we portray it, and we are delighted with the results, she added.

According to Martin Nixon of Nixon, despite the fact a company's brand and identity says so much about it, very few undertake the type of complete review that TRAC did.

It was a pleasure to work with TRAC on the brand audit and it was clear through the whole process that they were gaining far more from it than simply a new identity.

Most companies are so busy doing business that they rarely stop to think about what defines them and indeed what they stand for. Our brand strategy workshops give businesses that opportunity and help us create an identity that is a true reflection of their core values, resulting in their attracting more customers, said Martin.

Two of the key elements identified by the Brand Audit, was the strength of TRAC's people and its location. The business has been able to grow on the back of the quality of the people and the training they go through here and the project really reinforced this, so much so that on our marketing materials such as advertising and new website it's our own team who are pictured on them.

We have also never historically shouted about the fact that we were based in Cornwall given most of our clients are either in the South East or abroad, but again, this was seen as a key strength and it is something we will be promoting much more vigorously in the future, added Sarah.

The re-brand marks a very busy and successful 12 months for the company, which has seen it named regional winner of the Award for Excellence in People Development in the South West region of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) Awards 2008, take the Business of the Year title at the Cornwall Business Club Awards and receive a glowing assessment when achieving the Investors in People (IIP) accolade at the first time of asking.

For more information on the company visit or call 01209 612650.

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