ACRP devotes its September issue to articles related to the importance of trust and building confidence among the public in the clinical research enterprise.
September 15, 2008 [email protected]
Public Welcomed to ACRP’s Special Issue on “Measuring Trust in Clinical Research”
Alexandria, Va.—The Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) is pleased to announce that the September 2008 issue of its peer-reviewed journal, The Monitor, featuring articles on the importance of “Measuring Trust in Clinical Research,” has been made available for viewing by the general public at <> .
The guest editor for this special issue, Clifford C. Scharke, DMD, MPH, founder of GetResearchSmart LLC and formerly of the Office for Human Research Protections in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, gathered 12 insightful articles from clinical researchers and others who are devoted to understanding research participation, including, for the first time in The Monitor, several articles written from the research volunteer’s perspective. Due to the importance of understanding and raising the levels of public confidence in the clinical research enterprise, this issue will remain accessible online permanently for all interested readers. Most issues of The Monitor, which is published seven times yearly, are restricted to online viewing by ACRP members only.
The articles on “Measuring Trust in Clinical Research” include:
-- Public Confidence and Trust Today: A Review of Public Opinion Polls, by Kenneth A. Getz, founder and chairman of the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation in Dedham, Mass., and a senior research fellow at the Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development
-- Transparency and Clinical Trials: Are We Setting the Right Priorities?, by Beat E. Widler, PhD, international head of quality assurance for F. Hoffmann-La Roche
-- Resources for Research Participants—Never Enough!, by John H. Mather, MD, CIP, FACPE, president of UNI-CORN, LLC, a consulting firm for human research protection programs in Washington, D.C.
-- The Role and Impact of the Principal Investigator, by Joy Frestedt, PhD, RAC, CCTI, president and CEO of Frestedt Inc. in St. Louis Park, Minn.
-- Forgetting Individuality in Patient Recruiting, by Pamela Wolfe, MBA, MS, business manager of On Call Clinicians in Minneapolis, Minn. (providing a patient’s perspective)
-- The Other Side of Research: The Face Behind the Trial, by Jo-Ann C. Sebastiano, associate director for learning and development for Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development (providing a patient’s perspective)
-- 360 Degrees of Clinical Research, by Cynthia M. Sinsel, CCRA, project manager for MedTrials, Inc. in Dallas, Texas and Media, Pa. (providing the perspective of a clinical researcher who became a patient volunteer)
-- The “Professional Volunteer” for Research: An Interview, by John H. Mather, MD, CIP, FACPE
-- In Recognition of the Clinical Trial Participant, by U.S. Representative Rick Boucher (D-Va.), currently serving his 13th term representing Virginia’s Ninth Congressional District
-- Restoring Public Confidence in Clinical Research: Lessons from the Organ Donation Sector, by Kenneth A. Getz
-- Increasing the Public’s Trust in Research, by Lisa Kaeser, JD, senior program analyst, and Yvonne T. Maddox, PhD, deputy director, both of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development at the National Institutes of Health
-- Restoring Public Trust in Clinical Research Through Outreach and Education, by Diane Simmons, president and CEO of the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation in Dedham, Mass.
ACRP is a nonprofit organization that is based in Alexandria, Va., and devoted to the education of the entire clinical research team of professionals dealing with clinical trials for testing new drugs, medical devices, and therapies on volunteer subjects. For more information about ACRP, visit
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