No One Said Partnering Would Be Easy


Applied Clinical Trials

Andrew Lee, Deputy Head of Clinical Sciences and Operations at Sanofi, told Applied Clinical Trials that changing sponsor-provider partnerships is a major trend in the industry, “We're all going down this path of selecting preferred providers and taking that from a provider sort of relationship into a strategic partnership. So it's an evolution and it's taking up a lot of resources and new modeling in the industry."

Applied Clinical Trials has covered the relationships with pharmaceutical sponsors and its relationships with CRO and service providers since its inception. Although our website article repository only dates back to 2004, we found this article that had been re-published from 1992.

The industry has become extremely more sophisticated since 1992, and the relationships dialogue much more out in the open.

The following articles highlight the more recent changes and strategies for improved CRO/Sponsor relationships:

Josef Von Rickenbach, Chairman and CEO of Parexel’s, Strategic Partnerships Evolve

Kenneth Getz, MBA, Research Fellow at Tufts CSDD; Founder of CISCRP and CenterWatch; and Applied Clinical Trials columnist; and John R. Vogel, PhD, drug development consultant and Editorial Advisory Board member to Applied Clinical Trials, article Successful Outsourcing: Tracking Global CRO Usage, based on a 2009 survey.

And actually, this whole supplement from the Advanstar Communications Pharmaceutical publications (Pharmaceutical Executive, Pharmaceutical Technology, BioPharm International and Applied Clinical Trials) No One Said Partnering Would Be Easy, November 2011.

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