A Movement in Diabetes: Using Time-in-Range


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Learn how the diabetes management space is evolving with new metrics such as time in range (TIR), time below range (TBR) and time above range (TAR) growing prominence and the potential benefits that can be achieved by improvements in these metrics Live: Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019 at 11am EST On demand available after airing until Dec. 12, 2020. Register free

Register free: http://www.appliedclinicaltrialsonline.com/act_w/movement

Event Overview:

Diabetes is a leading cause of death in the United States with 1.5 million people newly diagnosed each year. Glucose monitoring and insulin management are essential to managing diabetes. Sub-optimally managed, diabetes can lead to psychosocial and physical health complications, societal burden, and significant costs to the healthcare system. The cost to the U.S. healthcare system alone is estimated at $404 billion in medical expenditures and lost productivity across all diabetes types.

Technology and innovation are leading to improvements in the overall management of diabetes. Recent advances in blood glucose management have increased the focus on metrics beyond HbA1c, such as Time-in-Range (TIR), time-below- range (TBR) and time above range (TAR). Improvements in these measurements can lead to reductions in complications for people living with diabetes and in overall costs in the U.S. Beyond the innovation, there is an important component of advocating for action-establishing the importance of Time-in-Range across a range of stakeholders will determine its success.

This webinar will present the first estimation of reduction in complications and costs associated with improving time-in-range per research found in the latest IQVIA Institute report Advancing Glycemic Management in People with Diabetes. You will also have an opportunity to hear directly from an advocate for people with diabetes about the Time-in-Range movement and gain an understanding about what’s to come in the realm of diabetes care management.

Key Learning Objectives:

Learn about Time-in-Range and how it can help reduce complications and costs for people with diabetes

Hear about the positive ripple effects of using Time-in-Range and its potential impact on you

Identify where focus needs to be to understand Time-in-Range better and how you can support those initiatives

Speakers: Murray Aitken, Executive Director, IQVIA Institute

Kelly Close, Founder and Chair Board, The diaTribe Foundation

Erica Caveney, MD, Vice President, Head, CV, Metabolism, Renal, and Reproductive Health Centers of Excellence, IQVIA

Time and date: Thursday, Dec. 12, 2019 at 11am EST

On demand available after airing until Dec. 12, 2020.

Sponsor: IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science

Register free: http://www.appliedclinicaltrialsonline.com/act_w/movement

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