Celebrate International Clinical Trials' Day, ECRIN Urges


Applied Clinical Trials

ECRIN is encouraging all clinical researchers to get involved in International Clinical Trials' Day.

The European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN) is encouraging all clinical researchers to get involved in International Clinical Trials' Day (ICTD), which takes place today (May 20).

ICTD is designed to coincide with the day that the Scottish physician James Lind started his famous trial in 1747. He was a pioneer of naval hygiene, and by conducting the first ever clinical trial, he developed the theory that citrus fruits cured scurvy. The objective is to make May 20 a focal point for international communication events, meetings, debates, and celebrations of clinical research.

This will be followed on May 21 by a project meeting being organized by ECRIN, ECRAN (European Communication on Research Awareness Needs), ICTD and CRP (Clinical Research Program) in Luxembourg. This meeting aims to promote a transnational communication on multinational clinical trials with the objective of facilitating better clinical research relevant to the needs of patients and highlight the important role of patients in clinical research.

For further details, go to http://www.ecranproject.eu/en/content/communicate-clinical-research-two-days-two-great-event.

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