BBK Worldwide Announces Study eBinder 3.0


Company News Release

Customized Apple iPad Air Enhances Doctor-Patient Interactions in Clinical Trials

BBK Worldwide (BBK), the global leader in patient recruitment, announced today Study eBinder 3.0, the latest generation of its novel clinical trial management tool. The release of this product builds upon the success of earlier models by offering a dramatically more customized and tailored tablet experience for on-the-go study teams. Utilizing BBK's patented TrialCentralNet (TCN®) patient recruitment portal, Study eBinder 3.0 ensures compliance by providing more than 300 real-time reports and a protected instant messaging system for sponsors to connect directly with physician investigators and site staff.

"The conversation is no longer about tech adoption as today's tablet culture continues to widen," said Matt Kibby, principal, technology and innovation, BBK Worldwide. "Thirty-five percent of Americans own tablets and that number is growing. BBK was the first to translate tablets into the clinical R&D industry, ensuring clinical trial management stays top of mind."

BBK's Study eBinder 3.0 is fully customizable for both the sponsor's brand and content. With an ultimate goal of enrolling studies sooner than ever before, the metrics-driven resource is effortless to implement.

"Sites are quick to adopt this new technology," said Lucas Garmon, media strategist, BBK Worldwide. "Universal implementation of online resources across devices guarantees individuals have the most critical information at all times. From coordinating study appointments to reviewing the informed consent with patients, we have seen sites begin to rely on their ability to manage studies remotely."

Study eBinder 3.0 is also available in a restricted sponsor view, as well as a patient view, which includes condition-specific information, tips for study participation, and customized retention tools. To learn more, visit

About BBK Worldwide (
Founded in 1983, BBK Worldwide is the recognized global leader in patient recruitment. The company is renowned for accelerating time to market for new and improved medicines and treatments. Through its partner companies, TCN Technologies and Agency320, BBK offers the industry the most sophisticated technology, creative, and media services. BBK is certified as a Safe Harbor company.

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