46th DIA Annual Meeting
Electronic Health Records: Friend or Foe?
Felix Gyi, PharmD, MBA, CIP, RAC, Chief Executive Officer of Chesapeake Research Review discusses his view on electronic health records including the pros and cons of using EHR within clinical research.
The Foray into Comparative Effectiveness Research
Jeff Goldsmith, PhD, President of Health Futures Inc., Associate Professor of the University of Virginia, and DIA Keynote Speaker, speaks to Managing Editor Kerri Nelen about the benefits of comparative effectiveness research and the stumbling blocks it must overcome.
How Digital Technology and Remote Assessment Strategies Can Aid Clinical Trial Research
July 24th 2020While there's been hopeful news on treatments and vaccines, sponsors should plan to discuss necessary strategies and contingencies at the outset of new studies or re-opening of halted studies during the COVID-19 pandemic.