Create a Successful Project Plan for Global Trials
Structuring the knowledge and expertise within the organization is key to a project plan that works.
Grant Budgeting and Negotiating in India and China
Industry must grasp the cultural nuances of these two burgeoning countries to find success there.
Preferred Providers Face Outsourcing Challenges
Performance and noncompliance clauses change the partnership between sponsor and vendor.
In Search of Informed Consent Improvement
Creating sustainable change is the key to fixing this broken process and advancing clinical research.
Getting Efficacy into European Trials
Expect a raft of new or revised EU guidelines for efficacy testing of pharmaceuticals in '08.
The Gatekeepers to Recruitment
Matt Kibby, leader of global operations for BBK Worldwide, discusses why country study managers hold the key to global enrollment success but are afraid to use it.
FDA Hit for Poor Clinical Trial Oversight
Information systems and lax enforcement criticized as Congress expands trial disclosure requirements.
Clinical Trials Directive Hammered at EMEA Meeting in London
Europe took a step toward improving the operation of its much-criticised clinical trials directive on October 3-but only a step.