Enterprise Services Automation Software
Web-based ESA applications provide an infrastructure that can improve the success rate of outsourcing relationships.
Stephen Senn
Moving between the UK and Switzerland, and between academia and industry has given Editorial Advisory Board member and statistician Stephen Senn a well-rounded view of pharmaceutical development.
Bridging the Gap Between IT and Clinical Operations
Mutual understanding of roles and responsibilities across the boundary between IT and clinical operations allows both departments to function more effectively.
Wireless Data: Challenges in the New New Economy
Wireless computing may be the way of the future, but several obstacles currently prevent us from achieving it.
Educating Investigators to Understand When to Break the Blind
Investigators are sometimes eager to open a subject?s blinding code when they perceive a medical emergency. Informing investigators about expected adverse events can forestall these requests.
Bioterrorism and Research Policy
Efforts to develop anti-terrorism treatments and to fully include women in studies will both affect clinical research.
Thinking Ahead on Clinical Research
A high-level group explores ways to support EU pharmaceutical industry research without too much cost to the EU health agencies that pay for medicines.